Stonebreaker The Root


This is a serie of tutorials to do the nosce te ipsum thing

View the Project on GitHub martinsantome/nosce-stonebreaker-the-root

Shells & Reverse =================

Here’s how to upgrade your Linux reverse shell.

python -c “import pty; pty.spawn(‘/bin/bash’)”

You should get a nicer looking prompt, but your job isn’t over yet. Press Ctrl+Z to background your reverse shell, then in your local machine run:

stty raw -echo

Things are going to look really messed up at this point, but don’t worry.

Just **type reset and hit return**. You should be presented with a fully interactive shell. You’re welcome.

There’s still one little niggling thing that can happen, the shell might not be the correct height/width for your terminal. To fix this, go to your local machine and run:

stty size

This should return two numbers, which are the number of rows and columns in your terminal. For example’s sake let’s say this command returned 48 120 Head on back to your victim box’s shell and run the following.

stty -rows 48 -columns 120

You now have a beautiful interactive shell to brag about.
